Oakley District Court [ KS ]
Street Address
710 West 2nd Street, Oakley, KS 67748
WWW Link
Oakley District Court is the Fifteenth District Court of Logan County in the judicial district court system of Kansas.
About the area
To memorialize a legendary event that took place in Logan County in 1868 whereby William F. Cody won the title of "Buffalo Bill; the Wild West Historical Foundation, Inc. was formed to create a sculture. The result is the Buffalo Bill Bronze Sculpture on U.S. 83 at Oakley. This larger than twice life size sculpture is of Buffalo Bill Cody on his favorite buffalo running horse, Brigham with his buffalo rifle, Lucretia taking aim at a buffalo as they both race across the prairie. The sculpture is historically correct in every detail. The site is shared with a log cabin open during the tourist season and contains information and a gift shop and a large outdoor storyboard sharing the buffalo contest and other regional history.
Magistrate Judge Hon. Mark J Temaat
Mailing Address
710 W. 2nd St., Oakley, KS 67748