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Louisburg Municipal Court

Phone 913-837-2355
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Mailing Address Five S. Peoria St., Louisburg, KS 66053
Street Address 5 S. Peoria Street, Louisburg, KS 66053
WWW Link
Although most of the streets of Louisburg are located South of SR 68 it still is a major artery for the city and is the way to get to US 69 to the West.
About the area
The Louisburg City Lake, just Southeast of the city, is a sought after site for fisherman. Here they they can try to catch any number of different species of fish such as Bullhead, Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Crappie, Drum, Green Sunfish, Largemouth Bass, Redear Sunfish, Saugeye and Wiper. If you dream on a star then by all means visit the Powell Observatory just North of the city. The observatory presents a program for the public every Saturday night presenting such subjects as the Solar System, the Big Bang and the Summer Skies. After the program visitors are invited to look through the observatory's 30 inch and 16 inch telescopes.
Hon. David Ruder
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