Hutchinson District Court [ KS ]
Street Address
206 W. 1st Ave., Hutchinson , KS 67501
Hutchinson District Court is the Twenty-Seventh District Court of Reno County in the judicial district court system of Kansas.
About the area
Hutchinson has two really unusual and interesting places to visit. Their exhibits tell the story of the Space Race. The Hall of Space Museum has on display flown spacecraft from all three early-manned American space programs; Mercury (Liberty Bell 7), Gemini (Gemini 10) and Apollo (Apollo 13). The museum also has the largest collection of Russian space artifacts outside of Russia. You can go to 650 feet below the surface at the Kansas Underground Salt museum in this city. Whenyou have have completed your descent you will enter into a massive chamber which was once an ancient Permian Sea. From there you can ride on the Salt Mine Express tram ride, pulled by an electric engine and cars from the Carey Park Zoo, to the main galleries area of the museum.
The Chief Judge of Reno county is Hon. Patricia Macke Dick.
Mailing Address
206 W. First Ave., Third Floor, Hutchinson , KS 67501