Goodland Municipal Court [ KS ]
Street Address
204 W. 11th Street, Goodland, KS 67735
WWW Link
The people of Goodland have no lack of good roads to use; IS70/US 24 is to the South of town, BR US 24 is just to the South of town and SR 27 runs right along the Western border of town.
About the area
Goodland was a division point on the Rock Island railroad. This is the place where train crews were changed and conductors, engineers, firemen and brakemen were relieved. These men and their families contributed to the city's population. Red bricks, laid by a single Oneida Indian decorate Main Street and downtown Goodland. The former Carnegie Public Library in this city has been converted to the Carnegie Arts Center under the sponsorship of the the Goodland Arts Council. The exhibits here are changed monthly and the center has workshops, recitals, demonstrations, lectures and concerts. Visit the gift shop and Oscar and Maude will be happy to greet you; but they won't say much, they are stuffed dummies you see.
Mailing Address
PO Box 59, Goodland, KS 67735