St. John Municipal Court [ KS ]
Street Address
115 E. Fourth Avenue, St. John , KS 67576
WWW Link
You can find US 281 running along the Eastern side of St. John.
About the area
The St. John Science Museum is dedicated to providing information about the major discoveries of the Industrial Revolution. The museum is set up to allow visitors to interact with many of the exhibits. In an unusual departure from the normal displays in a science museum, this museum has a photographic gallery of citizens from Stafford County who have served in the armed forces back to the Civil War, hung on its walls. In the midst of a beautiful fountain, flowers, historic tiles and grass in St. John’s square there is a miniature Statue of Liberty. It is one of the replicas of Liberty donated to towns across the nation by the Boy Scouts in honor of the 40th birthday of Scouting.
Mailing Address
Box 367, St. John , KS 67576