Franklin Superior Court [ MA ]
413 774-5535
Street Address
425 Main Street, Greenfield, MA 01302
413 774-4770
Franklin Superior Court is at the same address as Greenfield District Court.
About the area
The center of Franklin County is the town of Greenfield, which has over 18,000 townspeople. Many people who grew up in Greenfield have become scientists, playwrights, and even jugglers. The arts and sciences are emphasized here and many people get the start of their careers. The town has a wonderful school system with dedicated teachers who emphasize the classics. Great area to raise children and to work in. One of the most famous people that came from Greenfield is Christopher Baldwin who drew the comic Bruno. He received his start in this small town and went on to continue his comic strip.
Beyond the town, the county has a substantial stretch of I-91. Might be used for some drug trafficking and other criminal enterprises, but mostly just regular folk trying to get to or from Vermont.
Type Of Cases
Might be some methamphetamine labs in the county -- hmm.
Mailing Address
Franklin County Superior Court
P.O. Box 1573, Greenfield, MA 01302