Charlestown District Court [ MA ]
(617) 242-5400
Street Address
3 City Square, Charlestown, MA 02129
(617) 242-1677
WWW Link
About the area
Charlestown has a city square that has been created over time. When the town was established, this area included such businesses as a blacksmith, tavern, shoemaker, tailor and several other businesses that residents used weekly. This area was where people came together to decide laws of the town and have meetings concerning zoning, town constitution, and housing for its citizens. The area had burned at one point and the town rebuilt. The City Hall was reconstructed and became a five story building which was large for the time. Permits, court, and other administrative offices were housed here. There is a historic marker showing the date the hall was remade.
Anthony Sullivan, Judge
Type Of Cases
Traffic tickets and a variety of other matters in Charlestown Traffic Court.
Mailing Address
Charlestown District Court
3 City Sq., Charlestown, MA 02129