Chelsea District Court [ MA ]
(617) 660-9357
Street Address
120 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150
WWW Link
Chelsea District Court is a busy urban court dealing with traffic violations, civil suits, probation, and many issues.
About the area
Chelsea is a great small city sort-of within Boston. There are a little over 35,000 people who live there and many commute to Boston for work. The Chelsea school system has been adopted by Boston University in trying to provide quality schooling for their public schools. Many students go on to attend BU and the university has worked hard to help with money and volunteers to assist the schools there. Chelsea was named All-American City in 1998 and has accolades for its dedication to improving its city. There is always something going on in Chelsea whether it be working on the road system, improving buildings and landscape, and helping to expand the area. Chelsea is a great mid-sized city for people just starting out or for people in working families.
Hon. Timothy Gailey
Type Of Cases
It can be a mess in here, with plenty of traffic problems and all sorts of other stuff
Mailing Address
Chelsea District Court
One-Twenty Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150