Silver Spring District Court [ MD ]
563-8500 (area 301)
Street Address
8552 2nd Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910
WWW Link
Sounds like it might be messy to station your vehicle during your stay. Even the guys on the bench have a hassle.
About the area
Silver Spring is generally considered a bedroom community for our nation's capital. Seems like the liberal Democrats tend to live on the Maryland side and the Republicans go to Virginia. Somewhat paradoxical that the liberals who run the country choose not to have a local government in their community. Great restaurants abound in Silver Spring, and plenty of religious choices too. Solid mass transit, and very, very, very expensive real estate.
Type Of Cases
Speeding tickets on I-495 and US-29, plus the random drunk-driving congressmen.
Mailing Address
Silver Spring Court
8552 Second, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3405