Portland District Court [ ME ]
Street Address
205 Newbury Street, Portland, ME 04112
Plenty of good roads in Portland including US 1, US 1A, SR 25, SR 26 and SR 100 and IS 295 runs through the Western part of town.
About the area
Portland is Maine’s largest city. Its population runs around 64,000 with the population of Greater Portland metro area exceeding 230,000. It covers an area of about 53 square miles. Portland is practically surrounded by bodies of water with Back bay, Casco bay and Fore river running continuously around the city. The area was first settled by the English in the first quarter of the 17th century. It even figured in the American revolution. As befits a large city it has a large number of art galleries and a diversity of museums. July and August bring the Alive at Five Free Concerts in Monument Square on Thursday evenings. Don’t miss them; lots of people and lots of music.
Six judges serve in the Portland District Court.
Mailing Address
205 Newbury St., PO Box 412, Portland, ME 04112