Penobscot County Superior Court [ ME ]
Street Address
78 Exchange Street, Bangor, ME 04401
The Penobscot County Superior Court is located in the same buildng as the Bangor District Court.
About the area
In the 1850’s, Bangor was providing most of the lumber for the world and shipbuilding and commerce were the major part of its economy . With the coming of of steam and steel at the end of the 19th century however, the shipbuilding industry had been transformed and Bangor’s sawmills and shipyards disappeared and the dominant forest industry became pulp and paper. The Bangor Auditorium and Civic center are the pride and joy of the city. In addition to being the location for conventions, meetings, entertainment and trade exhibitions; the grounds around the center are the site of the State fair in August. Live animal exhibits, musical acts, circus acts and stunt shows provide entertainment to the many who visit the fair each year. Much is dedicated to the Arts in this city; with the University of Maine’s Museum of Art, the Bangor Museum and Center for History, the Maine Discovery Museum, the Penobscot Theatre and the Bangor Public Library all within walking distance of each other.
Hon. William R. Anderson and Hon. Michaela Murphy
Mailing Address
78 Exchange St., Bangor, ME 04401