Benton County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
615 Highway 23, Foley, MN, Foley, MN 56329
Officially this court is known as the Benton County District Court. Foley is small enough so that Sr 23, CR's 4, 20, 30 and 43 are within a few blocks of everything in town.
About the area
Foley named for one of several brothers who came from Canada in the 1880's was a lumbering community but eventually developed into a farming community. Foley, being a small town has but 3 city parks. They do not have sophisticated equipment; but do provide for the city's recreational needs with playground equipment, a softball field, tennis courts, a basketball court, and shelters (one equipped with a kitchen). volleyball and skateboard equipment. In Winter; the city has available two skating rinks. During Foley Fun days, in June, be sure to see and hear the Foley High School Jazz quartet and enjoy watching the Granite City Cloggers.
Hon. Jim Hoolihan and Hon. Mike Jesse
Mailing Address
Benton County Court
Six-Fifteen Hway Twenty-Three, Foley, MN 56329