Blue Earth County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
401 Carver Road, Mankato, MN, Mankato, MN 56002
There are many major highways populating this ciunty; from US Hways 14 and 169 to State Roads 22, 66, 68 and 83. Plenty of places for traffic violators to do their stuff and whether you call it the Blue Earth County Court or by its official name the Blue Earth County District Court; they might up here pleading their cases.
About the area
Live in the right neighborhood in this large city and you might not have to turn the heat on in your house. Thanks to the Sclare/Far fissure in the earth's crust which heats water seeping through the earth and creates steam pits and boil holes on the earth's surface warming many Mankato neighborhoods to winter temperatures of over 70 degrees. Another benefit resulting from the fissure is the tropical wonderland in Sibley Park created by the hot springs, the DeScy Hot Falls and the Johnson sauna spreading over more than 17 acres.
The Assistant Chief Judge of Blue Earth county is the Honorable Bradley C. Walker
Mailing Address
401 Carver Rd., PO Box 0347, Mankato, MN 56002