Carlton County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
301 Walnut Street, Carlton, MN 55718
Carlton County Court is known officially as the Carlton County District Court. SR's 210 and 45 meet in the center of town and IS 35 is located just to the North of the city.
About the area
In the 1870's Carlton, then known as Northern Pacific Junction, was the site of temporary shacks for the workmen who constructed the Northern Pacific Railroad. In the 1880's the city was officially incorporated and the economy depended in large part on white pine logging which was aided by the existence of railroad service. The city has not grown into a large metropolis since its early days; with a population which numbers under 1000 and an area of a little over 2 square miles. Carlton is the gateway to Willard Munger and in paying homage to the city's early beginnings name the newly constructed shelter located on the Munger Trail, the “Northern Pacific Junction” shelter. Jay Cooke State park covering just under 9,000 acres is located a few miles to the East of Carlton.
Hon. Robert E. Macaulay and Hon. Dale Albert Wolf
Mailing Address
301 Walnut St., P.O. Box 190, Carlton, MN 55718