Dodge County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
22 East 6th Street , Mantorville, MN 55955
Dodge County Court is officially known as Dodge County District Court. The only major highways passing through this county are US 14 and SR's 56 and 57.
About the area
Mantorville’s population of under 1200 can still enjoy seeing some of the historic limestone buildings, which remain viable, in the historic downtown area. Performance of Mantorville Melodramas at the Opera House is 39 years young. Each season this production seeks young and old, experienced and not to act in its presentations. Visitors to this city can tour antique buildings and browse the many antique stores. Zumbro Valley Golf Club with its 18 hole course is located to the Southeast of the city.
Hon. Lawrence Agerter
Mailing Address
22 E. Sixth St., Dept. 12, Mantorville, MN 55955