Grant County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
10 2nd Street NE , Elbow Lake, MN 56531
Grant County Court is officially known as the Grant County District Court. Major roads in Grant county are US 59 and SR's 9, 27, 54, 55 and 79. US 59 and SR 55 run together through the city of Elbow Lake and IS94 runs through a good portion of the Northeast part of the county.
About the area
Elbow lake is named for the nearby lake of the same name which is shaped somewhat like an elbow. Although Elbow Lake is the county seat of Grant county it is a small town with less than 1300 residents. It is surrounded by areas which provide excellent opportunities for fishing and hunting. Nearby Pomme de Terre Lake, is home to northern and walleye as well as a full assortment of pan fish. This probably accounts for the poularity, with visitors, of the over 200-acre Tipsinah Mounds Campground at Pomme de Terre's south end. There are over 25 RV camping sites with electricity and water here as well as tenting, a General Store and fishing.
Mailing Address
PO Box 1007, Elbow Lake, MN 56531