Lac qui Parle County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
600 West 6th Street, Madison, MN 56256
Lac qui Parle County Court is one of the district courts in the Eighth Judicial district of Minnesota. If you are going somewhere in Lac qui Parle County, depending on which direction you are headed in, you might want to take one of the following roads: US 75 or 212 or SR 40, 119 or 275.
About the area
Madison is a small city with just over 1500 residents; but it’s the Lutefisk capital of the world. You didn’t know what Lutefisk is. Well it’s a Scandinavian fish dish made from unsalted cod, Dried and salted cod and Lye. The fish used is memorialized by the 30 foot statue of a codfish located on Hway. 75 near the intersection of Hways. 40 and 75 and celebrated with a lutefisk eating contest each November at its annual Norsefest. There is a 9 hole golf course at the Madison Country club in the Southwest corner of town and the Madison-Lac qui Parle county airport with 2 short runways, owned by the city of Madison, is located a couple of miles to the South of the city.
Mailing Address
600 W. Sixth St., Suite 11, Madison, MN 56256