Lake of the Woods County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
206 8th Avenue SE , Baudette, MN 56623
Lake of the Woods County Court is known officially as the Lake of the Woods County District Court. There are only three major roads in the county. Two of them run clear across the county; SR11runs East-West and SR 72 runs North-South besides joining with SR 11 in the North to run West. The third SR 172 makes a brief foray into the county.
About the area
Baudette lies close to the border with Canada which is basically the Rainy river and astride the Baudette river. The city’s Peace park, a wayside rest, provides a view of Canada and the International Peace Bridge commemorated by a United States postage stamp. Although the city is very small, with a population under 1000 well spread out over an area of about 3 ½ square miles; it has Baudette International airport to the Northeast with two runways, one on asphalt surface and the other on water. On International Drive overlooking the Baudette Bay, in Bay Front park, you will find the statue of Willie the Walleye who weighs in at over 9,800 pounds and is over 40 feet long and over 21 feet in girth. Willie is there to announce Baudette as the Walleye capital of the world.
Mailing Address
206 Eighth Ave. SE, No.250, Baudette, MN 56623