Mahnomen County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
311 North Main Street, Mahnomen, MN 56557
Mahnomen County Court is known officially as the Mahnomen County District Court. The two major roads in Mahnomen are SR 200 and US 59 which meet in the city of Mahnomen.
About the area
Mahnomen got its name from the Chippewa for wild rice. The Wild Rice Day Festival is held annually during the month of August. This day of celebration, sponsered by the Mahnnomen Area Booster Club, is marked by a parade, events for the young and old, a street dance and a Sportsman Dinner. The Shooting Star Casino and Event Center, located in Mahnomen and owned and operated by the White Earth Reservation Tribal Council is a facility with over 400 hotel units, swimming pool, restaurants, bars, live entertainment, poker, black jack and slots.
The judge here is the Honorable Michael J. Kraker.
Mailing Address
311 N. Main St., Mahnomen, MN 56557