Norman County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
16 3rd Avenue East, Ada, MN 56510
Norman County District Court is the official name of the Norman County Court. SR 9, SR 32, SR 113 and SR 200 and US Hway. 75 are the major roads in Norman county. SR's 9 and 200 meet in Ada.
About the area
Ada is small city with approximately 1500 people living in an area close to 1.40 square miles in size. However the people here enjoy a relatively good median household income and a cost of living index far below the U.S. average. The Norman County 4-H Federation along with other community organizations sponsers a Craft and Produce market along with many food stands each September in the 4-H building and grounds at the Norman County Fairgrounds in Ada. There are also old time demonstrations, historical exhibits and wagon rides.
Mailing Address
16 Third Ave. E., Ada, MN 56510