Pine County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
635 Northridge Drive Northwest, Pine City, MN 55063
Officially this court is known as the Pine County District Court. IS Hway 35 passes West of the city and CR 324 (which provides access to the Interstate) and CR 361 criss-cross the city.
About the area
Pine City lies along Cross lake and along the banks of the Snake river. Pokegama Lake is just west of the city and along with the other water sites provides water activities and recreation. Hiking, camping and cross country skiing are activities available at nearby Chengwatana State Forest and St. Croix State Park. The city beach along Cross lake, is a wonderful place to spend an afternoon relaxing. Bring the food; since this park besides having horseshoe pits, a skatepark, basketball court and playground equipment also has and picnic areas.
Mailing Address
635 Northridge Dr. NW, Suite 320, Pine City, MN 55063