Polk County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
816 Marin Avenue, Crookston, MN 56716
Polk County Court is known officially as the Polk County District Court. There are agood number of major roads in this county; US Hways 2, 59 and 75 and SR's 9, 32, 92, 102 and 220.
About the area
The Red Lake river snakes through Crookston. A campground, open for the Summer, is located in Central Park along this river. The indoor community pool, downtown shopping, and the historic Grand Theatre are convenient to the campground. Other facilities include a boat landing, bath house, water and electric hook-ups. Each August; the Ox Cart Days celebration is centered around this park. Featured are a Kids’ Pedal Tractor Pull, the Battle of the Bands, a 10K and 2 Mile Run and the Torchlight parade.
Mailing Address
816 Marin Ave., Suite 210, Crookston, MN 56716