Pope County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
130 East Minnesota Avenue, Glenwood, MN 56334
Pope County Court is officially the Pope County District Court. The few major roads that run in Pope county are SR 28, SR 29, SR 55 and SR114 and they all meet in the city of Glenwood.
About the area
This city of approximately 3000 residents owns and operates a Municipal Airport and provides its citizens utilities such as water, sewer, and garbage disposal. The city of Glenwood is located at the Northeastern end of huge Lake Minnewaska.The lake is the site of the several day long Glenwood Waterama festival. This event has a series of exciting happenings from the over 100 unit parade, kiddie parade, lighted pontoon parade to the sporting events and running races. There is plenty of food, a Car show and it’s all capped off with state of the art fireworks.
Hon. Jon Stafsholt
Mailing Address
130 E. Minnesota Ave., Suite 309 , Glenwood, MN 56334