Red Lake County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
124 Langevin Avenue, Red Lake Falls, MN 56750
Red Lake County District Court the official name is commonly called Red Lake County Court. There are only two major roads in this county; US 59 and SR 32.
About the area
With about 1500 people living in an area of approximatey 2 square miles, Red Lake Falls is not a big city. However it has 2 rivers running through it, a Golf course, a municipal arena and a municipal pool. The Oak Knolls Golf Club is a 9 hole public course with rolling fairways and lush greens surrounded by the Clearwater River. Tubing is a popular sport on the Red Lake River. Riverside Park, which overlooks the Clearwater River, is equipped with two enclosed tennis courts, basketball courts, horseshoe courts and a sand volleyball court. The public arena offers open skating as well as being available for hockey practice and games. The pool has open and family swimming and other aquatic events.
Mailing Address
124 Langevin Ave., P.O. Box 339, Red Lake Falls, MN 56750