Rice County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
218 Northwest Third Street, Faribault, MN 55021
The Rice County Court is the district court for the Minnesota Third district in Rice county. Major roads which pass through Rice county are IS Hway 35 and SR's 3,19,21,60 and 99.
About the area
Three large lakes are in the vicinity of Faribault; French lake, Roberds lake and Wells lake which flows from the Cannon river reservoir as it passes through the city. Faribault park which lies along the Cannon River reservoir is a great kickoff point for Flatwater Paddling & Canoeing. This is a great route for paddlers on their way to Northfield as they catch views of hardwoods and forest wildflowers along the river valley. There is also plenty of opportunity for birdwatching in Faribault park
Hon. Thomas M. Neuville
Mailing Address
218 NW Third St., Suite 300, Faribault, MN 55021