Rock County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
204 East Brown Street, Luverne, MN 56156
If you don't love calling this court the Rock County Court; you can call it by its official name, the Rock County District Court. US Hway 75 runs North-South through town and provides access to IS 90 in the South.
About the area
Might get quite lonely at times for the residents of this city. It's in a county at the Southwestern corner of Minnesota, with South Dakota on one side and Iowa on the other. A bit of warmth might be provided by the old Palace Theater; except that it's rumored to be populated by ghosts. Any place built in the years after 1910 is bound to have some ghosts wandering around. The theatre is on the National Register of Historic Places and is still in operation. The eleven parks in Luverme provide plenty of space for its residents to chill out and enjoy an afternoon. Tennis, softball, basketball and pinicking are just some of the activities available.
Hon. Timothy K. Connell
Mailing Address
204 E. Brown St., PO Box 745, Luverne, MN 56156