Sherburne County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
13880 Highway 10 Northwest, Elk River, MN 55330
You might recognize this court by its official name; the Sherburne County District Court. The court sits right on US Highway 10.
About the area
Elk River is bounded by two major bodies of water; Orono lake on the Northeast and the Mississippi river on the South. The Elk river which runs along the Northern boundary of the city runs into Orono lake. In the middle of the 19th century a settler to the area was smart enough to recognize the potential of the water power of the Elk River and built a dam and a saw mill. Although the early economy of the region was primarily lumber; the second half of the century heralded its replacement by agriculture as the base of Elk River's economy.Grist mills and a starch factory were built as a part of this change. Innovation has always been the byword in energy production for the area. In the 1960's, a nuclear power plant went online at Great River Energy's site as a demonstration Project. After the dismantling of the nuclear plant; the late 1980's saw the conversion of GRE's power plant to burn refuse derived fuel.
A quartet of judges serves in this court.
Mailing Address
13880 Hway 10 NW., Elk River, MN 55330