Stearns County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
725 Courthouse Square , St. Cloud, MN 56303
This court is known officially as the Stearns County District Court. The major thoroughfares in this town are State Roads 15 and 23. SR 15 intersects with IS Hway 94 a few miles to the South of St. Paul.
About the area
St. Cloud lies along the Mississippi river. With a population of over 66,000 living in an area covering over 30 square miles; St. Cloud is one of the larger cities in Minnesota. Munsinger and Clemens gardens provide visitors and residents with hours of enjoyment viewing the beautiful plantings. The Stearns History Museum gives visitors a glimpse into the St. Cloud and Stearns county of yesteryear. You can walk through an 1850 natural environment with summer lodges representative of the abodes of the Ojibwe and Dakota indians. The museun also houses a full size model of a 1930 working quarry and a dairy barn where you can see milking as it was done 100 years ago.
A ack of judges serves in this court; seven in all.
Mailing Address
725 Courthouse Sq., St. Cloud, MN 56303