Steele County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
111 East Main Street, Owatonna, MN 55060
The Steele County Court is a district court in thr third district of Minnesota. There several major roads running through Steele county. US Hway 218 comes up from the Southeast to meet US Hway 14 coming from the East to meet just South of the city before they run into IS 35. US Hway runs a short distance with IS 35, then departs to the West.
About the area
Kaplan’s Woods State Park covers an area of over 150 acres transferred to the city of Owatonnaby the Minnesota legislature from the The Kaplan’s Woods Parkway is a park aided by a contribution from the Owatonna Foundation. also ed $300,000 toward the development of this park. The Kaplan’s Woods Parkway was a gift from the founder of Owatonna Tool Company; for whom it was named. The state park has much in the way of facilities for recreational activities. There are trails for hiking, jogging, skiing, biking, rollerblading. If you want to eat here, visit the picnic shelter with grill and other picnic sites as well. The swimming beach is supported by restrooms and a bathhouse. There is play apparatus and sand volleyball. The water sport lovers have fishing piers and a boat launch ramp and dock where canoes and paddleboats are for rent.
Hon. Joseph A. Bueltel and Hon. Casey J. Christian
Mailing Address
111 E. Main St., Owatonna, MN 55060