Todd County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
221 1st Avenue South, Long Prairie, MN 56347
You might to call the Todd County Court by its official name the Todd County District Court. SR 27 runs along with US Hway 71 through the city until it takes off to the East. CR 12 also meets with the US Hway in town. SR 287 comes up from the Southeast to meet CR 12.
About the area
Lake Charlotte forms the Southern border of Long Prairie. This lake has a concrete ramp and a fishing pier; so you can roll your boat in and laze away the afternoon or cast your rod and wait for the fish to bite. This area has a rich Native American heritage. Itwas first lived on and hunted by the Sioux and Chippewa Indian Tribes and in the 1840's Winnebago Indians from Illinois were brought to and settled in the area by the US government.
Hon. Jay D. Carlson
Mailing Address
221 First Ave. S., Long Prairie, MN 56347