Traverse County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
702 2nd Avenue North , Wheaton, MN 56296
Traverse County Court is a district court in the Eight Judicial district. If you are going to travel through Traverse county, a good way to go is on US 75 which runs from North to South the whole length of the county and meets up with SR 27 in Wheaton. SR 9 makes its appearance for a short distance in the Northeast corner of the county.
About the area
Wheaton is a very small city with just under 1500 residents living in an area of less than 1.8 square miles. The city is thoiught to be the home of the world's largest mallard, which sits along Highway 75 on the south side of Wheaton. It was constructed in the 1960's to proclaim the 'Land O' Ducks. Nearby Lake Traverse provides the opportunity for anglers to catch walleye and northern pike.
Mailing Address
702 Second Ave. N., PO Box 867, Wheaton, MN 56296