Washington County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
14949 62nd Street North, Stillwater, MN 55082
You might want to call ths court by its official name, the Washington County District Court. This court draws most of its traffic cases from State Road 36 which circles the city.
About the area
Stillwater lies aling the bank of Lake St. Croix. In the Western part of town you will find Long lake, in the North central part of town, Lake McKusick and in the center of town, Lily lake and its associated Recreation areas. Each of these sites provide many opportunties for water activities. The St. Croix Valley Recreation Center is the site of ice skating and ice hockey. In the 1830's, treaties with the Dakotas and Chippewas provided the opportunity for Europeans and Americans to settle in the region. Stillwater like other communities along the St. Croix was a center of the lumber industrywhich led to the establishment of the Stillwater Lumber Company in the 1840's. Around 1870, the construction of railroads in the area fueled further growth of industry and population. Today the city has a sizable number of residents, around 18,000.
Assistant Chief Judge John C. Hoffman
Mailing Address
14949 62nd St. N., P.O. Box 3802, Stillwater, MN 55082