Winona County Court [ MN ]
Street Address
171 West 3rd Street, Winona, MN 55987
Winona County Court is officially known as the Winona County District Court. IS 90 passes through the center of Winoona county. Other major roads in the county are US Hways 14 and 61 and SR's 30, 60 and 248.
About the area
Winona lies along the border with and is separated from Wisconsin by the Mississippi river. Two colleges are located in this city. St Mary's University of Minnesota and Winona State University. St. Mary's offers undergraduate degrees in almost every field and graduate degrees in Education, Business Management and Public Management, Winona also offers both Undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Hon. Jeffrey D. Thompson is the Assisstant Chief Judge for the Third District.
Mailing Address
171 W. Third St., Winona, MN 55987