Kingston Circuit Court [ MO ]
Street Address
49 E. Main St., Kingston, MO 64650
WWW Link
Kingston Circuit Court serves as the circuit court of Caldwell County in the Forty-Third Judicial Circuit of the Missouri Circuit court system. If you want to be heard in a case related to a city ordinance or traffic violation in the cities of Cowgill (SR B), Kidder (SR J) or Kingston (SR HH and SR 13); you would appear in this court.
About the area
Established 1843, it was not named for the king of England but for a popular judge of Richmond, Missouri who later became Governor of the State. The courthouse which now stands in this city is the fifth one built; the third and fourth courthouses were destroyed by fire. Caldwell County's annual Civil War Days Reenactment and Living History festival is held in this city over a three day period at the beginning of June.
Mailing Address
Box 68, Kingston, MO 64650