Jackson Municipal Court [ MO ]
Street Address
101 Court Street, Jackson, MO 63755
WWW Link
IS 55 Bypass, US 61, SR D,SR 34 and SR 72 pass through Jackson while IS 55 runs along the Eastern border of town.
About the area
There are close to 14,000 residents in this town which was founded around 1814. The five city parks, s, Brookside, Jackson City, Litz, Football and Soccer cover close to 225 acres and there is a recreational trail system. Jackson City park is home to two Summer concert series. The Rock in the Rock Garden consists of five Friday night concerts in June, with each concert starting at 7:30 P.M. This series is organized and co-sponsored by members of Friends of the Park. The concerts are free but bring your own chairs or blankets and you might even want to bring food and drink such as soda, wine and beer to picnic before the concert. The Municipal Band concerts are free weekly band concerts held on Thursdays at 8:00 P.M. at the bandshell from June to August.
Hon. Peter Statler
Mailing Address
101 Court St., Jackson, MO 63755