Keytesville Circuit Court [ MO ]
Street Address
306 South Cherry Street, Keytesville, MO 65261
WWW Link
Keytesville Circuit Court is the circuit court of Chariton County in the Ninth Judicial Circuit of the Missouri Circuit court system.
About the area
Keytesville at one time was a thriving city with banks, newspapers, hotels, restaurants, a water-powered grist mill and numerous stores and businesses. Now the past is only a memory seen in various sites that can be toured in the city. One of these sites, the Hill Homestead was built in the Georgian style of architecture around 1832 in its original form. Additions were made to the home from 1866 to 1870. The home is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The General Sterling Price museum was founded in the 1960's and its exhibits include an array of artifacts, memorabilia and collections. One of these exhibits is of a parlor setting in the 1860’s, complete with a square grand piano. The Maxwell Taylor park is a beautiful park named after General Maxwell Taylor who was born in this city one year after the beginning of the 20th century.
Hon. Gary E. Ravens
Mailing Address
306 S. Cherry St., Keytesville, MO 65261