Steelville Circuit Court [ MO ]
Street Address
302 West Main Street, Steelville, MO 65565
WWW Link
Steelville Circuit Court is the circuit court of Crawford County in the Forty-Second Judicial Circuit of the Missouri Circuit court system.
About the area
The first settlers to the area were a entrepreneur who opened a small grist mill along the Yadkin Creek and a second gentleman, considered to be the founding father of Steelville, who operated a trading post. The trading post operator laid out the town around 1835 and by 1838 the first doctor had arrived and a saddle and harness shop had opened. By 1844 there was a tailor in town and then by 1847, a blacksmith shop. Around 1885 the city was incorporated as a fourth class city and the population had grown to about 500. The Day Lark Jonas museum was donated to the city by the Jonas family and represents their history back to about 1889. There are antiques displayed throughout the home; many of which belonged to the family.
Mailing Address
Box 1550, Steelville, MO 65565