Salem Circuit Court [ MO ]
Street Address
112 East 5th St., Salem, MO 65560
WWW Link
Salem Circuit Court serves as the circuit court of Dent County in the Forty-First Judicial Circuit of the Missouri Circuit court system.
About the area
Montauk State park, located to the East of Salem, is truly a fisherman's paradise especially for trout fishing. Each night the bodies of water in the park are stocked from an on-site hatchery. The park also has a motel, campground and cabins for overnight stays. There are hiking trails which you can take to walk around Pigeon Creek basin. The annual Roots Festival is held late in May at the Dent County Fire Station and is sponsored by the Salem Area Arts Council. The event has plenty of music and crafters displaying their wares. If you come to the Salem City Hall auditorium just about any Friday night you will be treated to live bands, country music, and dancing at the Ozark Country Music show.
Mailing Address
112 E. Fifth St., Salem, MO 65560