Lanagan Municipal Court [ MO ]
Street Address
205 Forest St., Lanagan, MO 64847
To go through the length of Lanagan you would want to travel on SR 59. Careful when driving through this city; its speed trap has been cited by the state of Missouri for being in violation of the Missouri law prohibiting such activity.
About the area
Lanagan City park has a camping area with individual sites and access to Indian creek for canoeing. The creek is a good spot for fishing with smallmouth bass, goggle-eye bass, catfish and sunfish aplenty. It seems like the police department here is in big trouble. Its police chief and force of one were suspended without pay. They were indicted by a grand jury of the McDonald County Circuit Court on charges of altering racial profiling reports and issuing citations based on a nonexistent statute.
Hon. Patricia Attlesey
Mailing Address
Box 155, Lanagan, MO 64847