Montgomery City Circuit Court [ MO ]
Street Address
211 E. 3rd Street, Montgomery City, MO 63361
WWW Link
Montgomery City Circuit Court is the circuit court of Montgomery County in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit of the Missouri Circuit court system. Hearings for city ordinance and traffic violations in the cities of Bellflower (SR E), High Hill (SR F) and Rhineland (SR 94) are held in this court.
About the area
Montgomery City, covering an area of under 3 square miles, is centrally located in the heart of the Midwest. Graham Cave State Park, to the Southwest of the city, is in the hills above the Loutre River. Archaeologists have uncovered artifacts in the cave which provide clues to the lifestyle of the ancient Dalton and Archaic period. In addition artifacts from the undisturbed levels give clues to the Paleo-Indians who inhabited the area. Pieces of pottery found in the cave indicate the presence of a more recent culture of Native Americans. Graham Cave Glades Natural Area is made up of sandstone and dolomite glades that support a diversity of characteristic glade species. There are several hiking trails which wind through the park, interpretive panels throughout the park, displays in an interpretive shelter on Graham Cave Trail and in the park's visitor center.
Mailing Address
211 E. Third St., Montgomery City, MO 63361