St. Charles Municipal Court [ MO ]
Street Address
1781 Zumbehl Road, St. Charles, MO 63303
There are several major roads passin through St. Charles. They are IS 70, IS 270, US 67, SR 94, SR 364 and SR 370.
About the area
St. Charles was founded around 1769 by a French Canadian fur trader and hunter, as a post along the Missouri river and named Les Petit Cotes. Ten or so years later when the second Catholic church was built the settlement's name was changed to a shortened version of the church's, San Carlos Borromeo, to honor the the patron saint of King Charles IV of Spain. The first American settlers began arriving in the 1790's among them Daniel Boone who built a home in nearby Defiance .When you walk along Main street in St. Charles you might think you are still in the 19th century. Although the goods sold are different now; the street is still brick lined and the buildings are the same. In the evening antique gaslights are lit and you can take a horse drawn carriage through town. The St. Charles County Historical Society maintains archives along with offices in the Old Market House which dates back to the 1830's. This building, which is on the National Register, began as a market and fish house also served as city hall and police station. 1791 the population of the settlement had grown to around 225 and a second this church was dedicated the settlement’s name was changed to San Carlos, shortened from the church’s name to also honor King Charles IV.
Hon. William T. Lohmar, Jr.
Mailing Address
1781 Zumbehl Rd., St. Charles, MO 63303