St. Louis Circuit Court [ MO ]
Street Address
10 North Tucker Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63101
St. Louis Circuit Court is the circuit court of St. Louis city in the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit of the Missouri Circuit court system.
About the area
St Louis is a major city with a population of close to 320,000 people. There are many things to see and do in this city. No visit here is complete without a visit to and ride to the top of the Gateway Arch. The City museum is a wonder to see. When you are there you might think you are in an amusement park. It has inside and outside exhibits with walkways around the building and interactive exhibits. The elevated walkways and the ramps wind there way around suspended aircraft and other exhibits. You owe the kids a visit to the Eugene Field House and The St. Louis Toy Museum where they will thrill at the Special exhibits and toys on display.
Mailing Address
1114 Market St., St. Louis, MO 63101