Des Peres Municipal Court [ MO ]
Street Address
12325 Manchester Road, Des Peres, MO 63131
WWW Link
IS 270 lies in the Wester part of Des Peres and can be reached from Manchester road.
About the area
In Des Peres, the place to join is the Lodge. This community center has indoor and outdoor aquatic facilities, a fitness center, a gymnasium and meeting rooms. The indoor aquatic center features a whirlpool spa and wave pool which is also a six-lane, 25-yard lap pool when the waves are turned off. There is also an immense indoor flume slide, with laser lights, which takes a turn or two outside the building before splashdown inside the facility. The outdoor aquatic center is made up of two pools, one of which has a cool water whirlpool, lazy river, flume and speed slides. There is also a tot spray garden with fountains, water cages and jet sprays. Des Peres Park, Sugar Creek Park, Pioneer Park and Harwood Park have picnic shelters, soccer fields, baseball fields, paved trails, playgrounds, spray fountains and a lake for fishing. The city sponsors the “Hot Summer Nights, Cool Summer Sounds” free concert series which takes place the second Friday of June, July and August at 7:00 P.M. and is held in Des Peres Park.
Hon. Charles Billings
Mailing Address
12325 Manchester Rd., Des Peres, MO 63131