Reeds Spring Municipal Court [ MO ]
Street Address
22601 Main St., Reeds Spring, MO, Reeds Spring, MO 65737
SR 76, SR 265 and SR 413 run through Reeds Spring.
About the area
Texas cattlemen stopped in the Y-shaped valley region on their way to central Missouri markets. A fresh water spring pouring forth large amounts of water and large grass grazing areas led the cattlemen to believe that their cattle would be well fed and rested before the long drive to the railhead yards. They became accustomed to the area and around 1870 built a cabin where they too could rest. The area became known as Reeds Spring in their honor and before long a number of settlers, of English ancestry, began settling the valley and surrounding hills where farms could be established and operated. When the Union Pacific Railroad decided to build a rail line running from their main-line in Arkansas to the newly forming lead and zinc mining areas around Carthage and Joplin they needed to drive tunnels through the mountains. They ran it near Reeds Spring to take advantage of the spring to feed the great boilers supplying the steam-driven rock drills as well as drinking and washing water for the large labor crews and working animals. With the completion of the rail line around 1906 the city's economy with the shipment of commodities to other towns and receipt of goods to supply the area’s needs.
Hon. Mark Rundel You can catch this judge in the municipal courts of Crane, Galena, Hurley and Kimberling City.
Mailing Address
Box 171, Reeds Spring, MO 65737