Summersville Municipal Court [ MO ]
Street Address
195 Rogers Avenue, Summersville, MO 65571
Drivers in Summersville have available to them roads SR JJ, SR 17 and SR 106.
About the area
The city is located near the waters of Jacks Fork and Current rivers and is a grat starting point for canoers. Visitors can also take a ride on horseback with Big Creek Trail Rides at various times during the year to get the view of the scenic hills and valleys in surrounding areas. The city's population is made up mostly of young families. The Summersville Community Center is a large open indoor space which has youth activities and other community events. The original Summersville Mill dates back to about 1886 when a storekeeper and post office owner in town decided to build a grist mill. In order to build a larger mill, the original was sold and move elsewhere. He then built his larger mill to which he added a roller process. The mill has since changed hands several times and is now being restored by the Summersville Town and Country Historical Society with the help of contributions and work by community volunteers.
Hon. Melvin Adey
Mailing Address
Box 242, Summersville, MO 65571