Greenville Circuit Court [ MO ]
Street Address
109 Walnut Street, Greenville, MO 63944
WWW Link
Greenville Circuit Court serves as the circuit court of Wayne County in the Forty-Second Judicial Circuit of the Missouri Circuit court system. You can request a hearing in this court for your city ordinance or traffic violation in the city of Greenville (US 67).
About the area
Nearby Wappapello lake offers the residents of Greenville a respite from the humdrum activities of daily life, especially in the warmer months. Here you can partake of such activities as camping, fishing, hiking the fitness or nature trails, motor boating, swimming and water skiing. Although employment in the city is not high, there are a number of businesses and schools which provide a the majority of the employment for Greenville's residents.
Mailing Address
Box 78, Greenville, MO 63944