Biloxi Justice Court [ MS ]
Street Address
190 Lameuse Street, Biloxi, MS 39530
Biloxi Justice Court is the Harrison County Judicial 2 Justice Court.
About the area
One of the most awe inspiring sites on the Gulf Coast; the Biloxi Lighthouse rises almost 70 feet into the sky. It takes someone in great shape to tour the lighthouse which includes climbing more than 50 steps of a spiral staircase inside the lighthouse, and climbing an eight-rung ladder topped by a 19-by-23-inch trap door into the light room. The lighthouse is a cast-iron structure constructed in the 1840's and is probably the only lighthouse situated in the middle of a major highway. More maritime history is recaptured in two famous Biloxi schooners, the "Glenn L. Swetman" and the "Mike Sekul” at the Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum. These ships once sailed the coast from the late 1800's to the early 1900's!
Mailing Address
190 Lameuse St., Biloxi, MS 39530