Jackson Justice Court [ MS ]
Street Address
407 East Pascagoula Street, Jackson, MS 39207
Jackson Justice Court is the Justice Court of Hinds County and is located in the same building as the Jackson Circuit court and the Hinds County court.
About the area
Star gaze to your delight at the Russell C Davis Planetarium in downtown Jackson. The McNair Space hemispheric theater in this facility is the place where breathtaking sky and space scenes, brilliant colorful laser images and thrilling large-format films are projected on the overhead dome. One of the group of featured shows are Laser light concerts with music of contemporary and classic rock-and-roll artists are married to vibrant imagery of a powerful indoor laser system. While you are in town be sure to visit the house and gardens of the world renowned author Eudora Welty who wrote short stories and novels about the American South. The house is a National Historic Landmark.
Mailing Address
Hinds County Courthouse, Jackson, MS 39207