Louin Municipal Court [ MS ]
Street Address
4280 Highway 15, Louin, MS, Louin, MS 39338
Street address shown is the approximate location of the court. Louin is the place where CR 16 and SR 15 meet.
About the area
What was once the intersection of two roads became the town of Louin. In the early 1890's a post office was established; but not until early in the 20th century when the MG and Kansas City railroad was built through town was impetus given to its growth. Although the town had general stores, a sawmill, a shingle mill, a church, a school and a bank; its population at this time did not grow o more than 300. Even to date the population does not number much more than 300. The Louin Fire Dept recently received rescue hydraulic spreaders, the so called Jaws of Life, cutters and rams. These should save many lives.
Hon. Marvin Jones
Mailing Address
Box 3, Louin, MS 39338