Leflore County Court [ MS ]
Street Address
310 West Market Street, Greenwood, MS 38930
Leflore County Court is located in the same building as the Leflore Circuit Court.
About the area
You can't get any more history of the region than in Greenwood. It has seven districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Maany tourists are attracted to downtown Greenwood because of the character of its buildings and unique businesses. Viking Corporate Headquarters which is a National Main Street award-winning building restoration includes among its buildings on Front street; the Greenwood Opera House, several cotton factor offices and former clubs. The Mississippi Gift Company, Turnrow Book Company and The Fountain Apartments occupy the former Fountain’s Department Store which was built around 1914. The Confederate Memorial Building, on the National Register of Historic Places is of a kind unique in the United States.
Hon. Kevin A. Adams
Mailing Address
310 W. Market St., Greenwood, MS 38930